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Medha Patkar sentenced to two years in prison in a defamation lawsuit filed by Lieutenant Governor V.K. Saxena of Delhi, The Horizon Times

Medha Patkar, the person who started of the Narmada Bachao Andolan, was convicted convicted in a case of unlawful defamation brought by Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena. Ms. Patkar can face a two-year prison sentence, a fine, or both.

The case was being considered by a Delhi court; it was filed in 2006. On Friday, Metropolitan Magistrate Raghav Sharma made a ruling about a criminal charge.

What makes VK Saxena oppose Medha?

Magistrate Sharma argues that a person’s reputation is one of their most significant assets since it affects their standing in society and their capacity to build connections on both a professional and personal scale.

The arguments over the sentence’s length will be discussed on May 30.

What is the true legal problem between Medha Patkar and VK Saxena?

When the lieutenant governor led the National Council for Civil Liberties, an NGO with its headquarters in Ahmedabad, the legal conflict between Ms. Patkar and Mr. Saxena started in 2000. The activist decided to sue him after he published an advertisement criticizing her and the Narmada Bachao Andolan.

In addition, Mr. Saxena had sued the activist twice in 2006 for allegedly making “derogatory” remarks about him on a TV station and publishing a “defamatory” news release.

Crimes that Medha Patkar committed

The Narmada Bachao Andolan first claimed that the Sardar Sarovar Dam project in Gujarat would affect 40,000 houses. That was in 2017. Large-scale protests have been scheduled, and it has threatened to evict the family from their possibly flooded homes.

The project has been enmeshed in debate ever since the then-prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, laid the project’s foundation stone in 1961.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Who is Medha Patkar?

Politician and activist Medha Patkar tackles social and political issues raised by women who face discrimination in India, farmers, laborers, tribal people, and dalits. She received her degree from TISS, one of the best universities in India for social science research.

Why is the sin of corruption so terrible? Why do the adherents of Sant Rampalji Maharaj never commit offensives?

All holy books, regardless of religion, declare that all crimes are dreadful sins that send people to hell. The human soul’s main purpose is to obtain salvation, and that can only be done under Sant RampalJi Maharaj’s rule.

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