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Authorities warn of a tsunami danger as a result of an Indonesian volcano’s raging, forcing closures of airports and emergency evacuations.

The Ruang volcano erupted several times in the most distant region of Indonesia, uprooting several hundred people and launching a mile-long column of gas and lava into the sky.

On April 18, authorities declared that hundreds of people had been forced to leave the vicinity of the Ruang volcano, which had been releasing violent ash, rock, and lava plumes for many days, as well as the closure of a provincial airport. Since thousands of lives could be lost in the impending calamity, the situation had been put on the highest alert level.

A major volcanic eruption on Wednesday shot a beautiful red column of lava, flaming rock, and debris as far as two miles (three kilometres) into the air, shocking the residents of a secluded island in the Province of North Sulawesi.

Social media users shared videos of purple lightning bolts that tore across the sky above the erupting volcano. This panorama was lethal.

“We’re running, guys,” yelled an eyewitness who was recording the explosion as they scrambled to get away. “The ash is approaching, so we are fleeing.” They were forced to leave the area.

Furthermore, once the volcanology agency updated its alert level, the authorities expanded the evacuation zone and evacuated around 800 individuals from the area. A calamity has spared some lives thanks to this.

In an April 18 warning to media, agency head Heruningtyas Desi Purnamasari cited a dramatic increase in volcanic activity and said, “the chance for further explosion is still high, so we need to remain vigilant.”

The official went on to say that the agency had received reports of houses being destroyed by falling rocks and ash, and that the neighbouring hospital had to be evacuated. Thus, the procedure was completed quickly.

The transport officials shuttered the airport to protect Manado, the provincial capital, from the ash storms caused by the eruption. This protected against lethal consequences.

Low-cost airline Air Asia suspended operations with nine airports in East Malaysia and Brunei after receiving a warning from aviation authorities about a possible safety threat.

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