Nepal: A trained dog has been mobilized to search for Bikram Poudel who has been missing for the past few days. Poudel, 33, a resident of Chandrauta, Shivaraj Municipality-5 of the district, has not been found so far.
Chief of the Ward Police Office, Chandrauta, Shankar Acharya said that the search was being carried out by the police administration and locals for four consecutive days.
Chief Acharya, who has been engaged in a police search since Tuesday along with a trained dog under Karnali State Police, informed. Acharya also said that a police team with trained dogs was deployed from the state headquarters after the missing paddle was not found even after four days.

It is said that the District Police Office is also searching for the missing Poudel following the request of the family members. Poudel’s motorcycle was found missing near Bell River in Buddhabhumi Municipality-9 on Saturday morning. Police said that their mobile phone was found near Bell River on Sunday morning as well.
Ram Abatar Chaudhary
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