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Train crash in southern Egypt, 32 people lost life and

Egypt: According to health officials, 2 trains clashed in southern Egypt on Friday, leading 3 passenger cars to tip over, destroying 32 people and injuring 66 others.

According to a report from Egypt’s health ministry, hundreds of ambulance cars were hurried to the site of the accident in the southern state of Sohag.

Images from the incident were shown on local television, displaying overturned waggons with passengers stuck inside and covered by debris. Some of the injured appeared to be unconscious, while others were bleeding. Passersby took corpses to the crash scene and laid them out on the carpet.

Egypt’s train network has a long history of abandoned infrastructure and inefficient supervision. According to official statistics, 1,793 accidents were figured in 2017.

A public train crashed near the southern region of Aswan in 2018, critically injuring 6 people and creating the nation’s railways chief to resign.

2 public trains crashed near the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria a year ago, slaughtering 43 people. When 2 subways clashed near Cairo in 2016, at least 51 persons were dead.

The worst train accident in Egypt occurred in 2002, when a fire broke out in a moving train heading from Cairo to southern Egypt, killing over 300 people.

President Abdel Fattah el Sissi said in the same year that the government lacks around 250 billion Egyptian pounds ($141 billion) to upgrade the ageing train network.

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