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Exemplary way of how teens of Nepal are helping the poor in this outrage

NawalParasi, Nepal: In Palhinandan Rural Municipality  Ward No. 4 of West Nawalparasi, Nepal the youths have helped the poor families by collecting rice by conducting a Fist Donation Program.

The rice collected from the fist donation program run under the joint project of Lumbini Dialogue Center and Palhi Ujjwal Dialogue Center has been given to a poor family, said Sadre Aalam, animator of Palhi Ujjwal Dialogue Center.

Minaj Ali, an animator at the Lumbini Dialogue Center, said that the rice was collected by the Dialogue Center through a handful of donations for people from poor families to earn a living due to the government’s law of lockdown.

In addition, about 6 kg of collected rice has been given to a poor family. Animator Ali said that the rice was handed over to the family of Sukdev Harijan, who was unable to make a meal.

Mahesh Yadav

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