Nawalparasi: In Sarawal rural municipality ward no. 6 of West Nawalparasi, a street drama program against unmatchable marriage has been completed.
A street drama program against unmatchable marriage has been completed with the financial support of ABC Nepal Strome Foundation and the cooperation of Sarawal rural municipality and the project of Gulavajal Dialogue Center.

Speaking at a program chaired by Dialogue Support Committee Chairman Abdul Rauf, Rauf said that unmatchable marriages have a negative impact on society. He also said that unmatchable marriages would create various problems in marital life as well. He also thanked Kishor Kishori and ABC Nepal for spreading such awareness.
On the occasion, ABC Nepal Supervisor Saida Nisha Pathan explained the problems and challenges of unmatchable marriage. The program was attended by guests including Sindu Kurmi, Jaitun Nisha, Taifun Nisha, Poonam Chaudhary, and Rama Thakur. The program was conducted by Ayesha Khatun, an animator of Balika Samridhi Samvad Kendra.
Mahesh Yadav
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