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Message to Amitabh Bachchan on Twitter

Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan has been twitted in twitter in top trending in India with the hash tag #Message_To_AmitabhBachchan. The target for this activity is to deliver the pious knowledge of supreme god and come in the reign of true guru Saint Rampal ji Maharaj.   

According to the spirituality human life is only for attaining salvation. If there is death after life then why is death? Millions of people have twitted in twitter to deliver the pious message to Mr. Bachchan.

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj preaches his followers to do bhakti according to the holy scripts. There is guaranteed salvation those who comes in the reign of true guru Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the statement of his followers.

Several other Bollywood celebs have been twitted and targeted to come in the reign of complete god. It’s true that life is transitory and the reason of this birth is for different purpose.

People also recommended reading the sacred book “Gyan Ganga” in the twitter. They believe that Gyan Ganga carries sacred spiritual knowledge and converts the human mentality to attain salvation. Every answers regarding human life is resolved there.

To download free book, click here.

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