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Richter scale of 5.8 jolts of earthquake again hits Nepal

Kathmandu, Nepal: As a magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck Lamjung district this morning, causing damage to homes in various parts of the district at least 4 people are known injured. Coronavirus and earthquake are both shaking Nepal.

The earthquake struck at 5:42 a.m., with the epicentre near Bhulbhule, Marsyangdi Rural Municipality-3, Lamjung district of Nepal

The victims have been taken to the District Hospital for treatment. As per DPO Police Inspector Jagadish Mishra, they have injuries to their heads, hands, and legs.

According to police, the majority of the houses damaged in the quake were composed of clay, rocks, and galvanized sheets. More information will be released later, according to the police.

The shock was experienced in the nearby districts of Manang, Kaski, and Gorkha as well.

Due to the recurrent earthquakes, residents have ventured out of their houses in need of open places. During the continuing Covid-19 issue, they have been seen in masses without masks, which is high change of escalating the potential of coronavirus transmission.

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