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Tharu Museum of Nepal planted by Rotaract Club of Kapilvastu, Nepal News

Kapilvastu, Nepal: The Rotaract Club of Kapilvastu, Nepal has planted trees at the Tharu Museum in Umari, Shivraj municipality ward no. 1 Of the district. According to the organizer, a tree-planting program has been carried out at Tharu Museum.

Addressing the tree planting program, Shiva Kumari Tharu, Deputy Chief of Shivaraj Municipality, lauded the Rotaract Club of Kapilvastu for taking the lead in every social work such as tree planting and blood donation.

As the Tharu Museum is still under construction, the Province Government has allocated NRs 14 million for the fiscal year 2078-79 B.S, she said.

Deputy Chief Tharu said that the DPR of the museum would provide buildings and decoration materials reflecting the Tharu culture. She also said that there was a plan to preserve the old trees inside the museum premises.

Shiv Kumari Tharu

The recent planting of trees will not only improve the environment but also increase the oxygen supply, she added.

Similarly, the program organized by the Rotaract Club of Kapilvastu and with the support of the Division Forest Office, Gautam Buddha Chandrauta, Nepal will be held from Thursday, July 1.

Expressing commitment to protect the plants planted in the museum premises throughout the year, President Shishir Pokhrel of 2021-12 said that they will be at the forefront of social work.

He said that the program will make the museum green and 100 saplings have been planted.

Rotaract Club of Kapilvastu Nepal

The program was chaired by Rotary Club of Kapilvastu 2021-22 President Shishir Pokhrel, Shivraj Municipality Deputy Chief Shiva Kumari Tharu, Chartered President Rotarian Toplal Pokhrel’s Distinguished Hospitality, Deepal Ghimire of Zone 29 Oresient, Mahadev Pokheral of Chamber of Commerce of Kapilavst, Gopal Banjade Vice-President of the Rotract were present.

Ram Abatar Chaudhary

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