Mahesh Yadav
On the occasion of Children’s Day, an oratory competition has been held in Sarawal Rural Municipality of Western Nawalparasi on the topic of Covid-19 infection and child rights.
On the occasion of National Children’s Day 2077 B.S. the Nawalparasi district level oratory competition has been concluded splendidly by Sankalpa Foundation with the help of technology organized by Sarawal Rural Municipality.
President of Sankalpa Foundation Sushant Ghimire were Chairperson of the competition , Sarawal Rural Municipality Chairman Radheshyam Chaudhary as Chief guest, Special hospitality Vice President Uttama Rai, Chief Administrative Officer Budha Prakash Poudel were Special guest. The chief guest Mr. Chaudhary said that Thank you for submitting a good message to convey to the children to emerge hidden talent through this competition.
Battle of Oratory Competition Ended
Speaking on the occasion, the distinguished guest Uttama Rai said that children need to be treated well, so we should work together to implement a child-friendly campaign. She called for freeing children from child labor, child marriage, violence and drug abuse.
Student Samjhana Subedi from Awasiye Secondary School, Sunwal won first place in the competition, Rahul Murau from Janta Scondary School Sarawal-6, Bhujahawa second and Bipin Devkota from Aadharsha Secondary School stand third in the battle of Oratory Competition. NRs 8,000, NRs 5,000 and NRs 3,000 was awarded respectively.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman Mr. Ghimire said, “Ensuring Child Rights in Disasters: A Common Commitment of All of Us”.
In order to implement child-friendly education, it is necessary to make the former children fully educated and to make them aware of their feelings and to implement child-friendly campaigns, as well as to raise awareness about child rights. With this in mind, Mr. Sanjay Maurya, General Secretary of Sankalpa Foundation said that Children’s Day was celebrated successfully in a difficult situation of Covid-19 epidemic.
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