Nepal: Maniram Tharu is a farmer from an ordinary family of Shivraj municipality ward number 5 of Kapilvastu. He lives in plot number 3981, 3982 and 3964 in Naudihwa Tole Bhagwanpur 8 (a) bought approx. two kattha area of land.
Along with Maniram, the local Jhinkan Tharu, Bhusni Tharu and Karmaniya Tharu also bought land at the same place at the rate of one kattha. Soon after that, a group of leaders including local Chabilal Banjade and Shiv Prasad Harijan (Chhetu) proposed to them for planting, saying that they would clear the road.
According to the same proposal, they mutually agreed that they will give 4 dhur land equal to one kattha or if they don’t have land, they will give money at the current rate. Accordingly, he says that Tharu gave 7 lakh rupees in cash to Chhotu, who was leading the plotting, if Maniram came to pay 750,000 rupees. Thus, Tharu said that since the land plotting party did not return his money or land to him for a long time, he erected a pole on the pitch road.
He said that he has repeatedly asked the plotting party to return it, and he said that during the survey, he had erected pole in the same area as far as his area came. Due to the carelessness of the people doing the planting, the locals are complaining that the poles have been erected all over the road.

Tharu said that no one called him during the construction of the road with black paper. Tharu said: “The road was built without any information. Most of my land is on the road.” He added: “There is no right to build a road on anyone’s land.” After digging a pole on the black road on the south side of Naudihwa village, there has been a problem with traffic.
On the other hand, Chabilal Banjade from the plotting side said that the measurements were checked while building the road, but again Tharu said that the difference may have been seen when the measurements were checked. Banjade said that a decision will be taken after discussing with the company that has done the plotting on the land, admitting that there is negligence on the part of the plotting party.
Similarly, another local friend of the plotting party admitted that he had taken money from Tharu and said that the structures built on Maniram’s land will be demolished. According to him, it is the fault of the contractor who blackened the road, and if both parties agree, they will return the land or the money.
On the other hand, Shailendra Pun from the road construction contractor side said that he worked as per the plotting side. He said: “According to what they said, I built roads and other structures.” He said that since he was a worker, the work was completed as per the instructions.
Surendra Chaudhary, a local, says that the problem has been caused by the measurement agencies giving different measurements. He said that as long as there is a pole in the middle of the road, the relevant agencies are silent, so it should be removed as soon as possible.
Bechan Prasad Gupta, Surveyor of the Surveyor’s Office, Chandrauta, stated that the survey was done according to Tharu’s Lalpurja and the map.
Ram Abatar Chaudhary
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