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When the consumer went to complain, the ward chief thrashed him and chained him to a tree, The Horizon Times

Kathmandu: In Jagarnathpur-2 Lakshmipur of Parsa, an incident has come to the public where a resident of the village was tied to a tree and beaten up by the ward head. The incident of Amir Mian Gadi, who went to the ward president’s house with a complaint, was beaten up by the ward president Nepali Prasad Kushwaha and his supporters.

According to the police, after part of his house was destroyed during the road expansion, Mian went to the house of ward president Kushwaha on Friday morning to complain about it. Locals said that after Mian argued with Ward President Kushwaha saying that he should not break down other people’s houses, why did he break down only mine, Ward President Kushwaha and seven of his supporters tied Mian to a tree and beat him up.

But the Ward President’s side said that after Mian was abusing the Ward President Kushwaha, the neighbors of the Ward President took control of Mian, tied him to a tree and after some time handed him over to the local police office.

Mian, who was beaten by the ward president, filed a written complaint at the local police office, Jankitola, demanding action against 8 people, including ward president Kushwaha, who beat him up. It is alleged that Kushwaha tied Anfu to a tree and beat him.

After Mian’s complaint, Mohan Vikram KC, police inspector of the area police office, Pokhria, took both parties from the police office of Janki tol to the police office of Pokhria.

In the discussion between the two parties at the police office, Mian, who was called the victim, took a stand to proceed with legal action against the accused. Police inspector KC informed that the police took all the accused including ward president Kushwaha to the district police office Parsa on Friday afternoon.

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