Nepal: In Shivraj Municipality-9 of Kapilvastu, a discussion has been held with religious gurus and stakeholder’s regarding the incident registration. It is said that the event was organized because the customer was negligent in registering the incident.
Deepak Khadka, Head of Social and Registration Branch and MIS Operator, urged the service users to register the incident on time in the interactive program. He said that service users should not delay in registering the incident and should provide ease of service according to the standards set by the government. During the training, Khadka said that the employees will do the work themselves according to the law and the service users will not be pressured to work by political interference.
He also said that the child marriages that take place at a young age have caused a lot of problems in the registration of the incident and that it should be registered at a certain place on time while migrating. Vishwa Khadka expressed that religious gurus and social campaigners will help to minimize it.

He said that the official data could not come because the locals were not aware of the incident registration. He said that this program will be conducted in 6 wards of the municipality. Khadka, the negligent operator, mentioned that the damage can be corrected within the period of 1 year of registration.
Meanwhile, another trainer Vipin Khanal explained the legal process of registering the incident to the service users. He said that the locals do not understand the legal policy and quarrel with the staff who are not able to provide services on time.
Ward President of Ward No. 9 Ram Gopal Tharu said that this program will play an important role in raising public awareness. He also insisted that it would help the service users to register the incident on time and improve the service.
Ram Abatar Chaudhary
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