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Is Black fungus seriously fatal? Know what the experts says about its prevention

Kathmandu, Nepal: Mucormycosis Fungal infections if not controlled properly can become dreadful. It is adding suffering in a serious Covid-19 crisis. Infections with mucormycosis often termed “black fungus”, is seen in many parts of India, in patients who are getting better from the coronavirus.

Majority of cases are reported in India for Covid-19-associated mucormycosis documented around the world.

Mucormycosis, or black fungus, is caused by the Mucormycetes mould. Mucormycosis, also known as zygomycosis, is a fungal infection caused by many fungi belonging to the Mucorales family.

These can be found in soil, plants, or organic material that has decomposed.

A individual who is cultivating or doing some other outdoor activity may easily carry it inside and. Inside, black fungal outgrowth can be found in rotting food such as grain or vegetables.

On a timer, the fluffy white mould turns dark grey. The black fungus grows in the condensation lines and drip pans of air conditioners.

In a nutshell, it can be contained in soil and, more commonly, rotting organic matter such as huge stockpiles food, berries, and veggies in the world around us.

The black fungus may affect the skin of patients with weakened immune systems, such as unstable diabetics on steroid therapy or cancer sufferers undergoing chemotherapy. According to records, only a few cases have been registered in India over the last decade.

Then there’s the issue of why so many cases have occurred in patients who are undergoing or recovering from Coronavirus.

Know the prime reason of Black fungus and its preventions

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