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Adolescents are financially supported

Adolescents studying in Adolescents Dialogue Center has been supported financially for Fish Farming, Animal Husbandry, Banana Cultivation by ABC Nepal, Storm Foundation in Sarawal Rural Municipality in west Nawalparasi, Nepal.

The program was chaired by Network Chairman Mahesh Yadav and hosted by Sarawal Rural Municipality Chairman Radheshyam Chaudhary and Vice Chairman Uttama Rai of the same rural municipality. The program provided assistance of NRs. 1,60,000 at the rate of Rs. 20,000 to eight girls studying at the Dialogue Center.

Speaking on the occasion, Chief Guest Chaudhary expressed his gratitude to ABC Nepal, Storm Foundation and Dialogue Adolescent Network for providing financial assistance to the adolescents to earn income from animal husbandry. He said that there is a strong possibility of banana cultivation and Fish Farming as well.

Speaking on the occasion, Mahesh Yadav, Chairman of Network, wished the adolescents studying in the Dialogue Center to continue their studies by earning money and wished them all the best in the future endeavor.

The program was hosted by Buddha Prakash Paudel Chief Administrative Officer of Sarawal Village Municipality, Kuldeep Mishra Chief of Agriculture Branch of Sarawal Rural Municipality, journalist Umesh B.K, social activist Izhar Mohammad Seikh, Saida Nisha Pathan of ABC Nepal and Sabita Chaudhary were present. Durga B.K member of center organized the program.

Mahesh Yadav

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