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Dedicated program by ABC Nepal on Adolescents and Parents on Gender-Based Violence, Child Protection and physiological Relations

Nawalparasi: Orientation Program with Adolescents and Parents on Gender-Based Violence, Child Protection and psychosocial Has been completed at Sarawal Rural Municipality, Ward No. 4 and 5 of West Nawalparasi, Nepal.

An Orientation Program on Gender-Based Violence, Child Protection  Orientation with Adolescents and Parents has been completed with the financial support of Strom Foundation and coordination of Sarawal Rural Municipality and the project of ABC Nepal.

Speaking on the occasion, ABC Nepal Supervisor Rajman Barai said that it was necessary for all the members of the society to work together to make the society’s attitude towards women positive and to solve various problems related to gender-based violence, child protection, and psychosocial issues.

gender based program by abc nepal 2

The program was attended by parents and teachers.

Mahesh Yadav

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