Nepal: Local youths have demanded the management of the divider placed in Kapilvastu’s Chandrauta Bazaar as the number of accidents is increasing. The youths of the area have taken the divider placed in Chandraita Bazaar, Shivraj Municipality-5, which is considered as the big market of the district, seriously as accidents are happening day by day.
The divider has submitted a letter on Friday drawing the attention of Shivaraj mayor for the management saying that it caused the accident. Local youth leader Saraj Paudel said that the youths were angry after the accident last night.

Local youth leader Saroj Poudel, Ganesh G.C., And the youths including Kamal Giri have drawn the attention of Netra Raj Adhikari, the mayor. Handing over a letter to the city chief, Paudel said: “The number of road accidents has increased dramatically. We have given a letter of attention to the management.

Meanwhile, the city chief officer understood the letter and said that the road division did not show much interest in the management and he had informed them many times. Stating that he has provided information on road cleaning and dividers, he also expressed his commitment to take initiative again with utmost activism.
Ram Abatar Chaudhary
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