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PT training for teachers and students in Shivraj Municipality, Nepal

Kapilvastu, Nepal: A three-day Physical Training (PT)  program has been completed in Kapilvastu’s Shivaraj Municipality on Friday. PT training has been provided to the students and teachers in the program organized by Shivraj Municipality.

A total of 93 people have been trained in 22 community schools, 2 private schools and 1teacher in the city. According to the municipality, Haris Oli and Ramu Sunar, sports teachers of Kalika Higher Secondary School, Butwal, imparted the training which lasted for three days.

Concluding the training, Netra Raj Adhikari, Chief of Shivraj Municipality, said that physical exercise training would keep the students healthy and increase their attraction towards sports.
Physical Training in Kapilvastu, Nepal

He informed that the city has imparted training to the students and teachers for three days through reputed trainers.

He also urged the trained teachers and students to conduct daily physical training (PT) in their schools accordingly. Although there will be some problems at the beginning, the PT will inevitably happen after some time, so the chief officer suggested to start it from today.

PT training Nepal
PT training for teachers and students in Shivraj Municipality, Nepal

Shiva Kumari Tharu, deputy chief of the city, said that the training was conducted by the city considering the problem of teachers not knowing how to operate the school.

She stressed on the need to use what she has learned in school as the shape of the school will change when she conducts physical exercise or PT.

Chief of the Education Branch of Shivraj Municipality, Lokraj Panthi, said that the training was conducted for the physical, mental, intellectual and emotional development of the students.

The head of the education department expressed confidence that the physical exercise training would create a conducive environment for the students in discipline, teaching and learning activities.

He said that a campaign would be launched from the schools for the improvement of schools in the city.

kapilvastu PT training
PT training for teachers and students in Shivraj Municipality, Nepal

Now in the schools of Shivraj Municipality, the first bell will ring at 9:50 in the morning, during which the students will go to the classroom and teacher’s office, then the second bell will ring at 9:55, during which the teachers will have until 10:05 for the attendance of the students.

According to Lokraj Panthi, Chief of the Education Branch of Shivraj Municipality, the teachers will hold a program of physical exercise and school premises cleaning for the students in a queue at 10:05 AM.

Ram Abatar Chaudhary

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