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This is why World Food Safety Day has an specific importance

Every year on June 7th, people throughout celebrate “World Food Safety Day.” Food hygiene makes ensuring that all food components are perfectly safe to eat before they are harvested, produced, stored, and distributed.

This day has a theme chosen for it each year. This year, in 2024, World Food Safety Day will have the topic “Safer food, better health.” The production and consumption of safe food are the main topics of this field. Food security benefits people, the environment, and the economy both now and in the future. As is customary, this year’s World Food Safety Day events will all centre around the chosen theme. However, because to the Corona pandemic, these events will take place digitally.

The World Health Organisation estimates that every year, one in ten individuals become ill from eating tainted or bacterially pathogenic food. Globally, there are now over 60 crore sick people, 30 lakh of whom pass away. The quality of food products is given specific consideration in an effort to lower the number of fatalities.

This is why World Food Safety Day has an specific importance

World Food Security Day and the Corona pandemic: During this time, the significance of this day is amplified. You can infer how crucial it is to manage food during the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic from the fact that numerous accounts have stated that the virus originated at a “wet market” in Wuhan, China.

As. Experts have recommended against consuming fast food and eating outside during the Corona time. A recent research claims that Americans spend forty-five percent of their income on dining out at restaurants and hotels. it is detrimental to your body.

The Horizon Times

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