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27 Areas of Ahmedabad 10 PM onward: Night Curfew, Gujarat, India

Due to growing positive cases of coronavirus, on Monday, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) decided to enforce a night curfew after 10 p.m. in 27 busy zones. The AMC, issuing a notice, ordered the closure of all shops on 27 busy roads in the city after 10 pm.

The AMC said in a Monday release that the variety of incidents have come to the attention of the municipal corporation during the last couple of weeks. Young people did not wear masks. They form a group and do not abide by principles of social distance. In particular zone of the city, particularly during the night time, these types of activities have been noticed.

The source claimed that these young people are possible coronavirus carriers, placing their family members at high risk forcing them to suffer.

Parents, grandparents and children are infected due to these youths. For their incompetence, their family members have to pay consequences. The release exposed, coronavirus-related hospital admission cases have risen.

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