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Press Release of Journalist Student Organization, Nepal

Ongoing ‘Five-Day Relay Strike’ A press release has been issued by the Journalist Students ‘Association of Nepal expressing full solidarity with the victims of the media house, the employees’ joint struggle committee’s various programs against professional pay, expulsion and various problems.

The statement said “Our organization is moving forward under the pretext of Coronavirus (Covid-19) and against the ongoing exploitation of media workers and student media workers, motivated by the objective of fighting for justice”.

Mukti Gaire, president of the Journalist Students’ Association of Nepal, Said “Their pain is our pain and our organization was born out of such suffering working journalist students,”. He also motivated the student’s journalists.

In order to solve various problems including exploitation of media personnel by the owners of the media have been asked to address it immediately and draw the attention of all concerned. The moto of press release is to give protection from the act done by Media owners.

Mahesh Yadav

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Attention letter: ANNISU, Nawalparasi, Nepal

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