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11 houses were built and handed over to underprivileged families

Rupandehi, Nepal: Houses were established and handed over to underprivileged families by the Siyari Rural Municipality of Rupandehi, Nepal. Under the Siyari Housing Development Scheme, 11 buildings were built and houses were handed over to 11 poor families in the village on Sunday.

The construction of 11 houses with a budget of Rs 4.4 million was completed and handed over on Sunday, said Rural Municipality chairman Ayodhaya Tharu. He said that 2 houses in Ward No. 1, 2 in Ward No. 4, 2 in Ward No. 5, 2 in Ward No. 6 and 3 in Ward No. 7 have been constructed and handed over. He also stated “No one should be homeless in the Rural Municipality.

Amrita Gurung, Vice-President of the Rural Municipality, said that the rural municipality works by giving preference to poor and marginalised groups.

The Rural Municipality constructed the houses and handed them over to the homeless. Rural Municipality Chief Administrative Officer Min Prasad Bhattarai said construction work would continue in the coming days.

Chief of the planning branch Rom Lal Puri said,” The house has two rooms, a kitchen, a veranda and a zinc plate roof with a toilet.

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