The district meeting and training program of the press organization has been completed in Kapilvastu. A 31-member district conference organizing committee has been formed under the coordination of Arjun Kumar Belwase at a meeting held at Gorusinge on Friday, according to the district committee.
Speaking at the gathering, Chakrapani Khanal (Baldev), Member of the House of Representatives and State In-Charge of the CPN-Maoist Center, said that journalists should speak the voice of the people impartially. He mentioned that the organization should not only increase the number but also the journalists with qualitative ability. He also stressed the need to enhance the capacity of journalists as the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) is also leading Lumbini.

He stressed the need to disseminate information without discriminating against any party. Baldev, who is also a former minister, said that new committees were being expanded and reorganized at the lower level after the party split.
CPN-Maoist District Coordinator Bishnu Shah suggested that journalism should be clean and dignified. Stating that the press organization is positive towards the work done by Kapilvastu, he said that information should be disseminated along with investigative news.
Speaking on the occasion, Man Singh BK, Press Adviser to the Chief Minister of Lumbini said that the current situation was due to the Nepali journalism world. BK, who is also the state coordinator of the organization, claimed that he would now work for the expansion of the organization and capacity building of journalists in all the districts of the state. Stating that the role of journalists in various movements is remarkable, he said that journalists should be active in social change.

Secretary of the CPN-Maoist Buddhabhumi Municipal Committee Basanta Giri said that journalists should write about the irregularities at the local level. Similarly, the CP Sharma Youth Journalism Award given by the Press Organization every year has been given to journalist Arjun Belbase.
It is said that Belbase was honored with a bounty of Rs 15,000 in cash. According to CPN-Maoist’s state committee member Rudralal Banjade, district secretariat member Narayan Bhusal, and Saroj Khanal, journalists belonging to the organization are also participating in the program.
Ram Abatar Chaudhary
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