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Beware! Over 500 million Facebook users’ personal information has been leaked

Kathmandu, Nepal: Be Alert! If you’re your using Facebook serious with your original name and details. It’s being unsafe s per the recent report.

According to the media outlet, the leakage contains sensitive details on 533 million Facebook active  users, including mobile numbers, Facebook IDs, real names, places, dates of birth, profiles, and, email accounts of some users.

According to the source, Alon Gal, the chief technology officer of cyber crime research company Hudson Rock, detected the leaked information on Saturday.

Numerous data were validated by Research Firm by comparing identified Facebook users’ contact information to the IDs identified, and others were verified by checking emails from the set of data in Facebook’s reset password option, which can be used to indirectly disclose a user’s mobile number.

On Saturday, Facebook did not respond to an email requesting feedback on time.

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