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Admitting the mistake in the all-party meeting, the locals unlocked the administrative office, The Horizon Times, News of Nepal

Nawalparasi: The office of Sarawal Rural Municipality Ward No. 6 in West Nawalparasi has been locked by the locals. Locals have admitted the mistake in the all-party meeting of various organized parties in the ward and locked the office of Ward No. 6.

Stating that the details of crop damage in Sarawal rural municipality ward no. 6. However, the locals have admitted the allegation against the people’s representatives and staff of the ward office in Ward No. 6 saying that they have already sent the details of the complete damage to the crops.

The locals have admitted the lockout by the locals in an all-party meeting. Locals have apologized for the lockout at the ward office set up by the government of Nepal and its personnel.

Mahesh Yadav

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