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Adolocents participated in Quiz competition Palhinandan, West Nawalparasi

NawalParasi, Nepal: Palhinandan Rural Municipality ward no.  5 of western Nawalparasi,  The quiz Competition has been held under the joint project of Jyoti Samvad Kendra and Paribartan samvad Kendra with the support of ABC Nepal, Strom Foundation and Palhinandan Rural Municipality.

The program was held under the chairmanship of Pappu Bania, Chairman of Jyoti Savad Kendra and the chief guest was Om Prakash Gupta, Ward Chairman of Ward No. 5.

 Speaking on the occasion, Chief Guest Gupta said that the Quiz Competition program has been a great learning experience for the children and has also helped them to reflect and advance their knowledge.

In addition to the fact that thousands of children were deprived of education during the Covid-19 epidemic, the competition will also teach children to avoid the coronavirus epidemic and will create better awareness and support in the society.

Adolocents participated in Quiz competition Palhinandan, West Nawalparasi
Adolocents participated in Quiz competition Palhinandan, West Nawalparasi

Adolescents from six dialogue centers in Palhinandan Rural Municipality participated in the attendance contest program to preserve the hidden artistic talents and abilities of the adolescents and to increase their morale from the local level to the national level.

 In the program, Krishna Samvad Kendra, Siswa, came first and Jyoti Samvad Kendra came second and Shiva Parbati Samvad Kendra came third.

The first, second, and third place winners were given prizes including cups and medals.

ABC Nepal Supervisor Rajesh Arya and 25 teenagers participated in the program.

Mahesh Yadav

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