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Carnage of coronavirus in West Nawalparasi, Nepal

In Sarawal Rural Municipality of West Nawalparasi, Nepal four people including two health workers have tested positive coronavirus.

31-year-old female health workers and 25-year-old male health workers of Manglapur Health Post located at ward no. 4 and 52-year-old volunteer and a 54-year-old man have tested positive for coronavirus. All are in kept in isolation, said by Sarawal Health Chief Om Narayan Devkota.

Rural Municipality Chairman Radheshyam Chaudhary has also requested to take precaution and follow the rules as carnage has appeared at the community level. As health is the greatest wealth in human life, he urged everyone to take care of their health.

He also informed that the fairs and conventions to be held in the rural municipality have been completely banned.

He also requested all the villagers to maintain social distance, wash their hands with soap and water and take safety measures while conducting their daily activities.

Mahesh Yadav

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