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KP Sharma Oli supporters ‘monkey procession’ against Prachanda and Madhav Kumar Nepal

Kathmandu: Former Prime Minister and CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli’s supporters have been taking to the streets since he was ousted.

At the call of the National Youth Association of Nepal, they staged a monkey procession today. CPN-UML senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal and CPN-Maoist Central Committee Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal had protested by writing ‘Traitor’.

The same group had taken Madhav Kumar Nepal’s idol to the river and burnt it.

They also chanted slogans expressing anger that their own lawmakers had voted for Sher Bahadur Deuba as the Prime Minister.

monkey procession

The CPN-UML lawmakers have shown that the monkeys are building their own houses and will not allow others to build them.

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