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Outstanding students are awarded scholarships from Kantipur

Kapilvastu, Nepal: Rotary Club Kantipur has distributed scholarships to 2 schools in Shivaraj Municipality of Kapilvastu, Nepal. According to the club, 30 students from 2 poor, deprived, backward and needy schools have been awarded scholarships in cash and letters of commendation.

The program is being conducted in various schools in 22 districts across the country through a fund set up by the Rotary Club of Kantipur in the name of Urmila Scholarship in the name of the wife of American Professor Dr.  Vyas of NRs 5 million. According to Rotary Club Kantipur, both Vyas and Urmila have passed away. Two volleyballs have also been provided to keep the morale of the students high.

Outstanding students are awarded scholarships from Kantipur

Scholarships have been distributed to 30 students from Dharmanagar Basic School and Baaljyoti Basic School in the district, said Mulchand Yadav, Chairman of Baaljyoti Basic School Management Committee.

Rajib Shah, coordinator of Rotary Club Kantipur Urmila and  Vyas, said that the scholarships were distributed to prevent the students of government schools in the villages who are deprived of education. He said that a revolving fund has been set up for poor, deprived, backward and deserving students and distributed to different districts of the country for the past few years.

Coordinator Shah said that parents should be serious about ending the growing disinterest in education.

He said that some students have to choose other options even if they have the ability. Therefore, even the NRs. 3,000 distributed annually through the scholarships will provide relief to the students from poor families, said Coordinator Shah.

Meanwhile, Ward Chairman of Shivraj Municipality Ward No. 8 Shankar Ahir thanked Rotary Club Kantipur Urmila and Vyas for distributing scholarships to needy students in his ward and said that relief would be provided to the students from economically weaker families.

rotary club
Vollyball provided by Rotary Club Kantipur

He said that the practice of forcing children to work outside the school, especially in the alcoholic community, should be stopped.

Stating that parents should be responsible for education as education will change the face of the community, Chairman Ahir said that it is important to make the environment conducive for girls from home to school.

In the program, yoga and meditation instructor Devika Shah gave yoga training to the students to stay healthy. Similarly, Parashuram Yadav, chairman of the Dharmanagar Basic School Management Committee, intellectuals and social workers made the program effective.

Ram Abatar Chaudhary

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