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Worse condition of children in Palhinandan; Child network could not be formed for 4 years, The Horizon Times, News of Nepal

Nawalparasi: The condition of children under Palhinandan rural municipality of West Nawalparasi, Nepal is very poor. The rural municipality has been without a child network for the past four years.

Although the Government of Nepal has directed to adopt child-friendly local governance at all local levels, no child-friendly activities have been carried out in Palhinandan villages so far.

The formation of a child network is an indicator and the first step towards the adoption of child-friendly local governance. According to the Child Friendly Local Government National Strategy and Implementation Procedure-2068 BS, 39 indicators and 16 steps have to be crossed to declare child-friendly local government.

But so far no child network has been formed in Palhinandan. In the beginning, in 2073 BS, a 23-member working committee was formed under the leadership of child rights activists and with the investment of human rights activists under the chairmanship of Suraj Gupta. But less than four months later, the dispute over the relocation of the Rural Municipality building from Parasi to Belaspur broke out.

So far, the investment in rural municipality children has been zero. Even though the rural municipalities have invested in physical infrastructure, investment in the social sector has been low.

Ranjit Sharma

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