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Children club a static name only: Nepal

Ajay Kumar Yadav, 16, of Jignihawa, Ward No. 6, Sarawal Rural Municipality of West Nawalparasi, knew about children’s club. But don’t know what is done in a children’s club. In the past years, Sarawal Rural Municipality has been conducting various programs for children. However, it is not yet clear whether the program is targeted at children.

Due to the occurrence of various natural disasters such as wars, landslides, epidemics and other disasters in the world every year, children are more harmed. And this year, too, children have been affected by the Coronavirus epidemic.

Thousands of children like Ajay Kumar Yadav are still deprived of their rights in this Sarawal Rural Municipality. And because of the weak economic condition, they have not been able to attend school. Today’s children are the leaders of the world, we have to do something for them.

The rural municipality must be able to provide a good and free education to the backward and economically disadvantaged children in the society and the children will have the opportunity to get proper education.

The main reason why children are still deprived of their rights is the inability to study any of the national and international treaties, conventions, policies, rules and laws administered by the country.

The right of children to live freely, to develop, to participate and to be protected has not yet been fully realized by the Government of Nepal. Article 39 of the Constitution of Nepal states that children have the right to be named and get birth registration with their own identity.

Various strategies and laws have been formulated in national and local bodies for the protection of children. Children are also subjected to physical, mental and sexual abuse, injuries, intimidation, threats, fear, the use of force, abduction, harassment, sexual violence, rape, and child marriage. Many are unaware of sexual violence and sexual abuse.

At present, thousands of children have been found to be addicted to cold liquor, alcohol and various drugs while going to various distilleries in the village. As a result, some children have dropped out of school and become homeless.

Various children like Ajay Kumar Yadav heard name of children’s clubs but don’t know what happens in them. The Government of Nepal has formulated various agendas for the development of children. Even millions of rupees have been spent on child labor, children still do not know about child rights.

Mahesh Yadav

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