Kapilvastu, Nepal: Who doesn’t dream of making a future by saving a small amount of money and everyone has a dream but only a few do it. This proverb seems to have been fulfilled here. The late Hau Tharu is one of the ordinary families who are earning a living on a daily basis.
Hau Tharu, who lived from Kapilvastu Shivaraj-2, Chainpur, had insured his life for NRs 200,000 through Sunita Kumari G.C from Chandauta branch of Asian Life Insurance three years ago. Hau Tharu died in a road accident on January 14.
The insurance agent says that every person needs life insurance to bear such uncertainty. An accident is a tragic situation in itself. It is not possible to return one’s life, but it is possible to apply balm in a sad hour.
The Asian Life Insurance Company has handed over a cheque to his wife Kukari Chaudhary for the payment of death claim to a family of the deceased in Kapilvastu.
The deceased Tharu had placed his wife among the wanted persons while insuring. So far, he had only paid three installments, the company said. A team comprising Asian Life Insurance Departmental Manager Krishna Kumar Puri, Claim Head Sudip Pandey, Asian Life Insurance Chandrauta Chief Baburam Ghimire reached the house of the deceased’s family on Tuesday and handed over a check of NRs 4,25,200 to his wife Kukari Chaudhary.

Handing over the check to the family of the deceased, the team said that it is necessary to insure the lives of all and it will be a strong foundation for the future. It is very important to become a life insurance driver by bearing the risk of small amount of money. The family of the deceased has realized the importance of life insurance by accepting the cheque.
Stating that even a small amount of money has been a great relief, insurance has become a strong basis for uncertainty and the future. According to family sources, the deceased has four daughters and his wife.
Ram Abatar Chaudhary
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